Unrefined, or crude, oil is found underground and under the sea floor, in the interstices between grains of sandstone and limestone or dolomite (not in caves). Petroleum is a mixture of liquids varying in color from nearly colorless to jet black, in viscosity from thinner than water to thicker than molasses, and in density from light gases to asphalts heavier than water. It can be separated by distillation into fractions that range from light color, low density, and low viscosity to the opposite extreme. In places where it has oozed from the ground, its volatile fractions have vaporized, leaving the dense, black parts of the oil as a pool of tar or asphalt (such as the Brea Tar Pits in California). Much of the world's crude oil is today produced from drilled wells. See also Petroleum engineering.
Petroleum consists mostly of hydrocarbon molecules. The four main classes of hydrocarbons are paraffins (also called alkanes), olefins (alkenes), cycloparaffins (cycloalkanes), and aromatics. Olefins are absent in crude oil but can be formed in certain refining processes. The simplest hydrocarbon is one carbon atom bonded to four hydrogen atoms (chemical formula CH4), and is called methane. See also Alkane; Paraffin.
Petroleum usually contains all of the possible hydrocarbon structures except alkenes, with the number of carbon atoms per molecule going up to a hundred or more. These fractions include compounds that contain sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen, and metal atoms. The proportion of compounds containing these atoms increases with increasing size of the molecule.
Asphaltic molecules contain many cyclic compounds in which the rings contain sulfur, nitrogen, or oxygen atoms; these are called heterocyclic compounds. An example is pyridine. See also Asphalt and asphaltite.
It is generally agreed that petroleum formed by processes similar to those which yielded coal, but was derived from small animals rather than from plants. Dead organisms have been buried in mud over millions of years. Further layers deposited over these mud layers have in some cases reached a thickness of thousands of feet, and compacted the layers beneath them, until the mud has become shale rock. The mud layers were heated and compressed by the layers above. The bodies of the organisms in the mud were decomposed and converted into fatty liquids and solids. Heating these fatty materials over a very long time caused their molecules to break into smaller fragments and combine into larger ones, so the original range of molecular size was spread greatly into the range found in crude oil. Bacteria were usually present, and helped remove oxygen from the molecules and turned them into hydrocarbon compounds. The great pressure of the overlying rock layers helped to force the oil out of the compacted mud (shale) layers into less compacted limestone, dolomite, or sandstone layers next to the shale layers. See also Dolomite; Limestone; Organic geochemistry; Petroleum geology; Sandstone; Sedimentology; Shale.
At depths greater than about 25,000 ft (7620 m), the temperature is so high that the oil conversion processes go all the way to natural gas and soot. Natural gas formed by the conversion processes is now also found over a variety of depths which do not indicate the depth and temperature of their origin. See also Natural gas.
The oil formed by the natural thermal and bacterial processes was squeezed out of the compacting mud layers into sandstone or limestone layers and migrated upward in tilted layers. Tectonic processes caused such uptilting and bulging of layers to form ridges and domes. When the ridges and domes were covered by shale already formed, the pores of the shale were too tiny to let the oil through, so the shale acted as a sealing cap. When the oil could not rise farther, it was trapped. Porous rock in such a structure that contains oil or gas is called an oil or gas reservoir.
The recovery from typical reservoirs is not as high as might be thought. Multiple-layer reservoirs will typically contain oil-bearing layers with a wide range of permeability. When recovery from the highest-permeability layers is as complete as it can be, the low-permeability layers will usually have been only slightly depleted, despite all efforts to improve the recovery. Despite recovery efforts, half or more of the oil originally present in oil reservoirs is still in them. See also Petroleum enhanced recovery; Petroleum reserves; Petroleum reservoir engineering.
Heavy oil and tar sand oil (bitumen) are petroleum hydrocarbons found in sedimentary rocks. They are formed by the oxidation and biodegradation of crude oil, and occur in the liquid or semiliquid state in limestones, sandstones, or sands. See also Bitumen.
These oils are characterized by their viscosity; however, density (or API gravity) is also used when viscosity measurements are not available. Heavy oils contain 3 wt % or more sulfur and as much as 200 ppm vanadium. Titanium, zinc, zirconium, magnesium, manganese, copper, iron, and aluminum are other trace elements that can be found in these deposits. Their high naphthenic acid content makes refinery processing equipment vulnerable to corrosion. See also Oil and gas field exploitation.
Petroleum consists mostly of hydrocarbon molecules. The four main classes of hydrocarbons are paraffins (also called alkanes), olefins (alkenes), cycloparaffins (cycloalkanes), and aromatics. Olefins are absent in crude oil but can be formed in certain refining processes. The simplest hydrocarbon is one carbon atom bonded to four hydrogen atoms (chemical formula CH4), and is called methane. See also Alkane; Paraffin.
Petroleum usually contains all of the possible hydrocarbon structures except alkenes, with the number of carbon atoms per molecule going up to a hundred or more. These fractions include compounds that contain sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen, and metal atoms. The proportion of compounds containing these atoms increases with increasing size of the molecule.
Asphaltic molecules contain many cyclic compounds in which the rings contain sulfur, nitrogen, or oxygen atoms; these are called heterocyclic compounds. An example is pyridine. See also Asphalt and asphaltite.
It is generally agreed that petroleum formed by processes similar to those which yielded coal, but was derived from small animals rather than from plants. Dead organisms have been buried in mud over millions of years. Further layers deposited over these mud layers have in some cases reached a thickness of thousands of feet, and compacted the layers beneath them, until the mud has become shale rock. The mud layers were heated and compressed by the layers above. The bodies of the organisms in the mud were decomposed and converted into fatty liquids and solids. Heating these fatty materials over a very long time caused their molecules to break into smaller fragments and combine into larger ones, so the original range of molecular size was spread greatly into the range found in crude oil. Bacteria were usually present, and helped remove oxygen from the molecules and turned them into hydrocarbon compounds. The great pressure of the overlying rock layers helped to force the oil out of the compacted mud (shale) layers into less compacted limestone, dolomite, or sandstone layers next to the shale layers. See also Dolomite; Limestone; Organic geochemistry; Petroleum geology; Sandstone; Sedimentology; Shale.
At depths greater than about 25,000 ft (7620 m), the temperature is so high that the oil conversion processes go all the way to natural gas and soot. Natural gas formed by the conversion processes is now also found over a variety of depths which do not indicate the depth and temperature of their origin. See also Natural gas.
The oil formed by the natural thermal and bacterial processes was squeezed out of the compacting mud layers into sandstone or limestone layers and migrated upward in tilted layers. Tectonic processes caused such uptilting and bulging of layers to form ridges and domes. When the ridges and domes were covered by shale already formed, the pores of the shale were too tiny to let the oil through, so the shale acted as a sealing cap. When the oil could not rise farther, it was trapped. Porous rock in such a structure that contains oil or gas is called an oil or gas reservoir.
The recovery from typical reservoirs is not as high as might be thought. Multiple-layer reservoirs will typically contain oil-bearing layers with a wide range of permeability. When recovery from the highest-permeability layers is as complete as it can be, the low-permeability layers will usually have been only slightly depleted, despite all efforts to improve the recovery. Despite recovery efforts, half or more of the oil originally present in oil reservoirs is still in them. See also Petroleum enhanced recovery; Petroleum reserves; Petroleum reservoir engineering.
Heavy oil and tar sand oil (bitumen) are petroleum hydrocarbons found in sedimentary rocks. They are formed by the oxidation and biodegradation of crude oil, and occur in the liquid or semiliquid state in limestones, sandstones, or sands. See also Bitumen.
These oils are characterized by their viscosity; however, density (or API gravity) is also used when viscosity measurements are not available. Heavy oils contain 3 wt % or more sulfur and as much as 200 ppm vanadium. Titanium, zinc, zirconium, magnesium, manganese, copper, iron, and aluminum are other trace elements that can be found in these deposits. Their high naphthenic acid content makes refinery processing equipment vulnerable to corrosion. See also Oil and gas field exploitation.
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