We are amongst the leading manufacturer & suppliers of rubber reclaiming agents, i.e. Di-Xylene Di-Sulphide. Our reclaiming agents are used as chemical catalysts varied processes of making reclaim rubbers. Further, these agents are not like the simple reclaiming agents, which are the bi-products of hydro carbons (petroleum refining by-products). Instead of these, our whole range of reclaiming agents are specially made chemicals that are obtained after proper reactions with the sulfur and other solvents. Some their features are:BenefitsThe use of our Reclaiming Agent (Di-xylene Di-Sulphide) reduces the autoclave timing to a large extent that too at lower temperature & pressure, which in turn reduces the power consumption, saves fuel intake, reduces process timing, improves efficiency of the rubber reclaiming plant, improves the quality of resultant Reclaim Rubber, Risk of hardening is reduces & further more benefits.